Fit and Fulfilled
Faith, Family

Taking Your Family To Church Is Powerful

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There is POWER in attending Church. You may have heard this before. It is absolutely true! Hearing God’s word and fellowshipping with like-minded believers can be life changing. This is why taking your family to church is so important. Keep reading to hear about how you can set the example and change your life as well as others by just simply getting up and going to church.

Growing up, my father worked A LOT. He was gone to work before we got out of bed and we were lucky if he was home for dinner. He worked in the banking system. He did this so my mom could stay home with my siblings and me until we were in school. What a sacrifice, one I did not understand until I was putting my husband through nursing school with 2 small kids at home.

During this time, my mom would take us to church on Sundays. It didn’t really occur to me that my Dad didn’t go. As a young adult, I would go to church sporadically. My husband, on the other hand grew up with a very spiritual mother. From the time he was an adolescent, he was made to go to church every Sunday until he was out of the house. His father, too, did not attend except on special occasions. In the early parts of our marriage, we did not continue this routine. We would go when we were invited for homecoming or family weekend. Julian and I would talk about going but didn’t find a church that spoke to us for several years. We didn’t actually put in the effort either.

When we did, in fact, find a church that we felt at home with, we started going regularly. I had our first child and got baptized several months later. Julian followed suit a short time after that. However, we continued to not strengthen our walk with Christ for many more years.

You are my only grandson who takes his family to church

We were visiting my grandparents in Pennsylvania a few years later when we asked to join them in church. They faithfully attended church every Sunday except often skipped when we were visiting from out of state. I never realized this until that visit. After the service, my grandfather told Julian something that has stuck with him since. He said “You are my only grandson who takes his family to church.”

My grandparents were angels on this Earth. They were so full of love and kindness. Now, with those simple words of acknowledgment, Julian was encouraged to continue to make him proud by taking his family to church.

I never thought much about my dad not attending church with us but as Julian made it a point to join the kids and I , he has shown our kids how important church really is. Attending as a family unit shows that we, in our home and family, put the Lord first. We will stand together and praise him as a family. This has also shown the kids the importance of our Church Family.

As Julian is the head of our household, him leading us is one of the most important things, in my eyes, as an example to our kids. Now don’t get me wrong, there have been days, I would wake the kids up and Julian was too tired or overwhelmed with things he needed to get done that he would not join us. The kids and I would get ready and go by ourselves. Plus, Julian and I work in healthcare which is a 24/7 job so there are many Sundays one of us or even both of us can not attend. On these days, we will either listen to the sermon online or talk about a bible study as a family. We are not perfect but nobody is, right?

You may be thinking, what if our family unit is only 1 or 2 people. No difference here! Family is family. You may not have a father in the home or a mother for that matter. You may be like Julian and I who grew up with 1 parent who would go and the other would not. I assure you, their effort at taking the kids is not overlooked.

What happens when we take our family to church?

First, we are modeling that God is First!

We grow spiritually and our kids do too.

We spend time building our church family. Some of the strongest relationships you may have can come from your church family.

We fellowship

Learn the word. Kids as young as toddlers can recognize the songs you sing. Imagine your toddler humming a gospel song! Most churchs have children’s classes where your child can learn the word with their peers. They can bring their friends and then they can be a leader too.

Set an example by the life you live. When you go to church regularly and fellowship with Godly people, you are more likely to live by the word of God. In doing so, your actions and behavior can influence those around you. They may ask you about it and BAM… you have an opportunity to minister.

Going to church as a family is so very important. As a parent, I encourage you to lead your family and show them the power of a faithful church. If you meet resistance with your significant other, don’t worry. Your spiritual connection with the lord will not be lost. Your effort will not be unseen by your kids. Take them with you every Sunday or even through the week if they have bible studies or such. (Kids do not get an option in my opinion).

The power of hearing, reading, learning the word and fellowshipping with Christian believers is awesome and can change your life. Many lives have been changed with a single Sunday service.

Have you or someone you know been to a service that they felt was made for them? Please share in the comments.

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