Fit and Fulfilled
Family, Lifestyle

Love Your Own Life, Not Someone’s In A Picture

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Do you scroll through your social media and stop on the picture of the person who has the perfect core with abs for days? Does that person have the hair color and style you want? What about the Instagram of the popular girl in school having a blast at the party you didn’t get invited to? Have you ever said “Why can’t that be me?” or “I want that body”? I know I sure have thought those things.

It is hard not to compare yourself with those perfect pictures. But they are only that…. Pictures. You can make anything perfect in a snapshot with filters and photoshop. When you come to the realization that you are you and only you and then stop comparing yourself to all those snapshots out there, only then will you find a peace and comfort with yourself that will change your life. Keep reading to see more of what I mean.

girl with green hair and glasses

We are told that we can be anything we want to be. Unless you want to spend thousands upon thousands of dollars, this doesn’t include your looks. I have read about people all over the world who have gone under the knife to try to get a nose like someone elses’ or to enhance their breasts or remove that extra fat around their waist. Some people even get their whole face and/or body worked on to try to be someone else. Look at the girl who wants to look like Barbie (the unrealistic plastic doll).

Now, imagine if everyone looked the same. If you were in a shopping center full of people where everyone looked the same, everyone talked the same and everyone wore the same clothes. How boring would that be?

We have all been there

Everyone has compared themselves to someone at some point. Whether it be your neighbor or coworker who got a new car or the parent who has their children in every activity imaginable and posts great pictures of them every weekend. How does this make you feel? Jealous? Happy for them? Like a failure?

What you don’t see in those photos is a struggle to get that car. Maybe they work extra hours or they haven’t ever had a reliable car and this was their dream. It’s possible that mom who posts about her kids successes always wanted to play sports but was not athletic enough to play herself or grew up poor and her parents couldn’t afford to enroller her in sports. It is also possible her kids hate the sport and she forces them to smile for the photos? Who knows what someone is going through, but I guarantee it’s not as pretty as those photos make it out to be.

Looks truly are decieving

Did you ever think that you have what you have for a reason? You were given the nose you have so you could sport it proudly and encourage someone else to be proud of their features? You were given the extra fluff around your waist so you can make a warm pillow for your child to snuggle on during their nap? (My son used to sleep like this and I absolutely cherished it). Maybe you have the car you drive so you can save for something even better later on. We were made this way for a reason. Everything about you is perfect.

Who Defines Perfection?

Glam, filter, fake photo, social media

It is hard to realize this when society paints a picture of what “perfect” is. However, “perfect” is what you say it is. However, like the example above, when you are in the mall and everyone is the exact same, how boring is that “perfect”?

Take Action:

*I encourage you to write 10 things about your body or your life that you love.

*Try to decrease the time you spend on social media or “unfriend/unfollow” those who just post filtered/photoshopped pictures.

*Post something real about you or your life. One time I posted a selfie of my family after we failed at an escape room. We had the best time. We were in sloppy clothes and kinda looked like a hot mess, but it was the best picture and we were all happy (this doesn’t happen much with a teen and a preteen). We got the most “Likes” and comments on this pic! see pic here

*Write about something personal. Some of the absolute best, heartwarming posts I have read were friends who opened up about a hard time they were going through. The comments showed me (and them) that they are not alone. So many of us are going through troubled times. Opening yourself up will allow more truth and vulnerability but it can lead you to true relationships and to help others along the way.

What about in God’s eyes?

You were made perfect in God’s eyes and when you change your focus to Him, you will start to see your beauty and perfection, just the way you are.

13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Psalm 139:13-14

Enjoy the journey

Read about this author’s health journey at Everyone has a different journey to loving themselves. What does your’s look like?