Fit and Fulfilled
Jennifer Foster
Faith, Health/Fitness, Lifestyle

Becoming Fit and Fulfilled

We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.

Have you ever seen or read something and thought, hmmm, that’s an interesting thought or idea. I have been asked multiple times, “where did you come up with the idea of this blog?”

Jen in PPE gear at work fighting coronovirus

It was early October, 2020 and we were in the midst of a global pandemic. We had just buried a high school friend due to complications of Covid-19. I personally took this very hard because I am a health care provider and this virus was affecting health care like something we had not seen in over 100 years. The medical community was in turmoil as it collided with the political world. Healthcare was being questioned and scrutinized to the point that conspiracy theories were developing about how the health community was responsible for the virus and it was all a sham, though millions had lost their lives. My world was turning upside down.

On top of all of this, I was not happy with my own self. I had focused on my family and children for the last 15 years to the point of becoming obese and developing terrible eating habits that I was seeing transferred to my kids. I had no energy to do anything and found myself becoming more and more depressed. I felt like a failure on so many levels and was so confused about who I was and what my purpose was.

That day, I decided to follow my own advice. This advice I had given my patients so many times. I got out a notebook from my bedside table. I got out my bible and I prayed. I prayed for clarity. I prayed for my health. I prayed for happiness and fulfillment. Most importantly, I prayed to get closer to God because I knew this was the truest path to my ultimate healing.

I wrote all my thoughts and feelings down that day. I filled several pages in that notebook. I declared what I desired and I wrote what I perceived as my failures. I described memories that had haunted my self esteem. When my hand was cramping and my tears were drying, I opened my bible and googled scripture on the feelings I was having. I wrote those verses down in my notebook. I found verses on failure and depression. I wrote verses on fitness and fulfillment. And when I was done writing, I closed the book and I prayed again. I thanked God for getting all of those words out of my head because now I could let them go.

These are the scripture that I wrote down that day

  • Joshua 1:9
  • Luke 12:50
  • Isaiah 21:3
  • Luke11:36
  • 1 Corinthians 6:18-19

It was not a week later when I was scrolling through social media (something I tried not to do often) when I saw an old friend sharing her health transformation. She had found peace and happiness in her new relationship with a Godly man who encouraged her and lifted her up and she looked amazing. I could tell by her smile that she was truly happy. I reached out and little did I know, our old friendship was rekindled in that very moment.

Stephanie and her her husband were health coaches for a nutrition program that they had had wonderful success with. She described the program to me and being the science nerd that I am, I understood the health rationale behind why the program worked and I was hooked. Click Here if you would like a free health assessment to see if this program would be right for you

When the kit arrived, I was excited to get started. After 3 days, I woke up before my alarm. This was something I NEVER remember doing before. I had an energy I can’t explain and within a few days my husband wanted to start the program as well. He was jealous of my energy, lol.

Remember when I described how depressed I was becoming? Well, one of my symptoms of depression was sleeping. I slept a LOT. I would go to bed early and sleep until noon if I didn’t have to work. I would lay down mid day for a “nap” that would end up lasting for hours. But now I wasn’t napping or even feeling tired. My kids noticed right away because when they asked me to play outdoors or play a game, I was on it! I loved it and I felt like a new person. I was happy!

If you are wondering what kind of drug this program gave me….I promise, no drugs involved! It was nutrition. I was fueling my body the way it needed to be fueled. I was giving my body the nutrients and calories it needed instead of whatever, whenever I felt like it. And my body was thanking me. As an added bonus, I started to lose weight!

Christmas 2020

Can you believe that? Not only was I feeling amazing, I was losing weight as well. As I am sure you have found, losing weight is not a quick process. It had taken me 15 years to gain all of that weight (some years more than others!). But, the pounds were slowly but surely coming off! I even made it through the Holiday Season and maintained!

While my home life was thriving for the first time in many years, however, I was still not feeling the satisfaction in my work life. While primary healthcare was struggling in the midst of the pandemic, I found that I was not making ends meet for the time I was spending away from home. I was blessed to have met our local Director of Health where we live and reached out to see if they had any needs I could help with. Luckily, the Covid vaccines had just been approved and they were recruiting for help in their mass clinics. I signed up to help with those. (Find a vaccine distributer near you at )

Drive-thru Covid Vaccine Clinics

We traveled to the local school parking lots and did drive thru clinics for 8 hours several days per week. We vaccinated thousands of people in the freezing cold and pouring rain. And you know what? Despite the fridged conditions, I felt fulfillment. I felt as though I was helping people again and doing something to make this nightmare of the pandemic end. I felt a new happiness.

One day, while under the drive thru tent, I was in my zone when a voice in my head started talking. No, I was not hallucinating from the weather. My mind was spinning with ideas. I wanted to help people. I knew healthcare was my gift and my recent success with my weight loss and fitness had lead me to start coaching for the program I was using. I enjoyed seeing my friends and family losing weight and getting healthy. It made them happy which in turn made me happy. But I wanted to reach more people. I wanted to share my pediatric healthcare tips and tricks I had learned during my 14 years as a nurse practitioner in child health on a global scale and why not help their parents get healthy so they can have the energy and enthusiasm I was having!

Then, out of nowhere, the name Fit and Fulfilled came in to my mind. It was the craziest thing. It came and stuck in my mind like a lightning bolt. Fit and Fulfilled. Physically fit, mentally fit, spiritually fit. Home, work, family and health fulfillment and most of all, spiritual fulfillment. Then, after the stun of “where is this all coming from” I realized, I was hearing the Lord talking to me. I had heard of this happening to people but I don’t think it had ever happened to me. I don’t remember much from the rest of that day but I know I immediately got on my computer when I got home and I started my research.

The business name was available! Registered

Sun titled Fit and Fulfilled with blog tag

The URL was taken, shoot! Well, what about fit and fullfilled mom? YES, it was available!

How do I get this message out? A blog…. I have no idea how to write a blog! Panic sets in.

More research……

Well, it has been a few months now as I write this and I am still learning! I have left my job in the healthcare field and I am following the voice I heard that day. I am giving it my all and going to watch God’s work. My faith is there and I am praying for him to ease my fear.

Lord, I pray for you to take this blog and place my messages in the hands of those who need to hear it. Lord I thank you for speaking to me and allowing my ears to hear you. I am placing all of my faith in you as you have always provided for each and every one of my needs. Lord I pray for continued blessings of health, fitness and fulfillment for all who come to us seeking these as well as those who do not yet know where they are lacking. In Jesus name—Amen

So there it is! Fit and Fulfilled! The story of how we came to be!

PLEASE COMMENT….I would love to hear your stories of the Lord speaking to you and what came of it. Also, please share your journey of health and fulfillment for all to see. Who knows how many you can help in the process!