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What is your WHY? Understanding Your Own Purpose

We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.

Why you are where you are and how you got there?

Where are you in your life? Are you happy? What are you unhappy about? Now, try to answer WHY?

This is where most people get hung up! I can tell you a number of things that I am happy and unhappy about but I can’t change the world. Heck, I can barely make changes in my own home without causing a breakdown from someone in the household (not naming names!). But what I can do ….. is spend some time truly thinking about what would make me happy and why I am not happy in the first place. This is my why! This can be deep and sometimes painful but is ultimately the first and hardest step in finding fulfillment.

Lets take a deeper look

Most of us wake up, follow our daily routine and we may or may not have a dream that we are striving to achieve. This would be YOUR purpose. Most people wander through life either aimlessly surviving or working toward a self guided goal. This can give you a sense of purpose and fulfillment but the ultimate fulfillment we strive to encompass at Fit and Fulfilled is spiritual and holistic fulfillment.

What is your purpose?

What is the purpose you were put on this earth for? Do you know? Most people don’t. Have you ever came home and just felt a deep feeling in your gut that you were made for more? Not more money or more material things, but more out of this life. This could mean personal fulfillment (feeling like you are making a difference on this Earth) or that you are finally doing what your were put here to do. These are spiritual feelings that cause a deep sense of happiness and peacefulness that people rarely find.

How do you get to this point of fulfillment? Well, it is different for everyone. It has to start with some self discovery. This does not mean scheduling yourself an appointment with a psychologist to sit down and spill your guts (not knocking this… therapists are the new “IT” thing!), but just stopping and paying attention to yourself. Answering the questions we posed in the beginning of this post… Are you happy? What makes you happy or unhappy about your life? What would you change if you could and what is holding you back?

What is God’s purpose for us?

The part that most of us leave out is asking what God wants for our life? What is his purpose for us? Do you want to know? I promise that if you truly open yourself up to what he has in store for you and leave your Earthly desires, you will find a happiness and fulfillment like you have never felt before.

I would like to tell you a little about my story…

I worked as a Nurse Practitioner in a busy pediatric office for many years. I started when my kids were just 1 and 4 years old. At the time, my husband was in nursing school full time (mid-30’s career change, but we will talk about that in a later post) and I was the temporary breadwinner for our household. I worked more in those 4 years than I could ever imagine working and I almost shutter at the thought of the time I was away from my kids. We were blessed to have our parents nearby to help with childrearing and this lead to beautiful relationships with the Grandparents but I felt so much guilt for not being around much. I did have fulfillment in my job by helping children and families but I wanted to help my own. I made a blessed income and when Julian graduated and started working I definitely cut back my hours but I will never get back the time I missed. I also let myself go personally during that time. I worked so much I tended to eat out more than I meal prepped. I refused to give up what little awake time I had with my kids during the day to exercise. I became overweight and physically unhealthy and I honestly became depressed because I was not living Gods full purpose for me.

Something had to give…

Eleven years after starting that job, the practice had grown so much. We had wonderful providers and staff who I adored and Julian not only worked full time as a nurse, but we had started a family business as well that had started to take off post-covid pandemic. Healthcare changed a lot in the year prior and we lost a lot of people we cared for during the pandemic. My heart changed and as I felt myself getting deeper into a depression, I got on my knees and I prayed to God to show me his will. I had proven that I COULD NOT do it alone and I layed it all down at his feet. I got out a notebook from my bedside table and I wrote down all the things I was not happy with, ranging from my priorities, my health, my relationships etc. I let it all out. Some of those pages are now wrinkled with tear stains but it was the first page in a new chapter of my life book.

Since that day…

You would not believe how things have changed for me since that day. And, I can’t wait to tell you all about it and help you get to your Fulfillment with me.

Fit and Fulfilled hardback journal

First, open a journal(see fit and fulfilled store on right of screen) or even a piece of paper (or a few because once your mind starts going, it ends up being a LOT more than you realize). Write the answers to the questions posed in this post. Describe your feelings. Share some memories, both good and bad.

First, open a journal(see fit and fulfilled store on right of screen) or even a piece of paper (or a few because once your mind starts going, it ends up being a LOT more than you realize). Write the answers to the questions posed in this post. Describe your feelings. Share some memories, both good and bad.

If you have a bible, OPEN IT! If that is as far as you get, that is OK. More will come!

Now, open google on your phone or computer and search for bible verses that relate to some of your items you just wrote down. (For example: health, taking care of myself, infidelity, anger, hurt, pride, wealth, fatigue, work)

Some will make sense to you and your situation and others won’t but add them to your journal. We will come back to this.

Now, I am so proud of you for opening up your heart and trying to discover your WHY!

We will definitely continue our discussion on our path to fulfillment.

Comment below, if you would like, on some of your why’s or what you may have discovered during the exercise.